Seat Washers (Set of 2)

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  • Regular price $2.48
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  • TDC mfg seat washers. Milled aluminum for consistent sizing.
  • Large diameter helps to keep the seat from breaking during normal use.
  • Available in a variety of dimensions:
    • 46mm OD x 4mm Thick (8mm bolt hole)
    • 68mm OD x 2mm Thick (8mm bolt hole)
    • "D-Shape" 68mm OD x 2mm Thick (8mm bolt hole)
  • **PointKarting** strongly recommends the D-shaped washer for use with many kart seat applications, as it neatly fits right under the rolled lip of the seat to make sure that the seat is properly mounted, while also not rubbing up against the lip area of the seat.**
  • Each washer comes in a pack of 2.