Hilliard Inferno Clutch Springs

  • Sale
  • Regular price $2.99
  • 6 available
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  • Clutch Springs are available in a variety of stiffnesses, and therefore different engagement RPM values. For more info, consult the spring vs. engagement speed diagram. 
    • Red - 1400 RPM
    • Orange - 1800 RPM
    • Yellow - 2000 RPM
    • White - 2300 RPM
    • Black - 3000 RPM 
    • Green - 1200 RPM
  • Clutch springs can be mixed with one another:
    • For example: Running two white springs and two black springs can be used, or other alternatives. 
  • Each spring sold individually.  Each Hilliard Inferno clutch requires 4 springs.