7 | Rotax Carburetor Cap with Tube Assembly

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  • Regular price $34.05
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Rotax Carburetor cap with bent tube assembly. This cap threads onto the top of the Dellorto carburetor for all Rotax Max Evo engines, and ensures proper actuation of the throttle slide, cable, and return spring mechanism.

Made of plastic, and therefore easy to cross-thread, this cap assembly is a little troublesome at first to work with to thread a throttle cable or remove, but once installed it is quite solid! Despite the plastic manufacturing, the cap is hearty and the whole assembly makes working on your Rotax fairly easy.

As mentioned above, this cap is prone to stripping when cross-threaded, and over time the junction between the metal tube and the main cap can get a little worn, so replacing this cap every few seasons or on a used engine may be ideal!

The cap assembly (7) comes complete with items 7-11 noted in the diagram.