Hilliard Inferno Fury Clutch (Without Drive Sprocket)

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  • Regular price $89.99
  • 2 available
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Hilliard Inferno Fury Clutch, minus drive sprocket. This clutch is ideal for those that are racing 'outlaw' 4 cycle racing engines or those that want a slightly grippier clutch compared to the Hilliard Inferno Flame or Fire.

Note: This clutch no longer comes with the bronze bushing, and instead comes with a needle-bearing similar to other Inferno clutches (despite the photos)


Each clutch kit includes (from parts diagram) components 1-14, minus drive sprocket (sold separately). Drive sprockets are the same as those for the Inferno Flame or Fire models.

  • Kit includes (parts 1-14):
    • Clutch rear cover, central hub.
    • Hilliard Inferno Flame clutch drum.
    • (4) clutch shoes (Hilliard Flame, non-traction material).
    • (4) Clutch Springs (white)
    • (4) Clutch Springs (black)
    • Grease Guard cover
    • Retainer snap ring for driver sprocket.
    • Brass rotational bushing for clutch drum, drive sprocket.
    • Clutch Assembly Retainer Washer.
    • (2) Clutch spacers (internal)
    • Clutch Backspace spacer (tapered, large).
    • Clutch retainer bolt, washer, lock washer.