Swift 50mm Axles - Birel

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  • Regular price $179.99
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50mm Kart Axles for Birel Racing Go Karts. Designed by Swift to fit your Birel kart chassis! These axles are an excellent replacement or OEM-substitute to add to your line up of axles for tuning! Each axle is 50mm x 1040 x 2.0mm and keyed universally to fit all Birel karts. 


Made by Swift, these axles are a plug-and-go solution for your Birel kart! Whether replacing an original axle that has been bent, or adding to your tuning arsenal harder or softer axles than your existing axle, the Swift Birel axles are a top choice to keep you on track and keep you dialed in with the right setup.

Each axle is keyed to work with both traditional single-speed karts and shifter karts or 4-cycle karts that utilize and inboard drive gear. Multiple keyway holes are drilled in each axle key area to accommodate Birel keyways and drive train spacing.

The Birel line of Swift axles is now available in stiffness M, F, R, and T. Check out the included axle chart to consult which axle may be right for your application!  

  • For your reference - modern Birel karts typically will gain rear grip with a softer axle choice, while older (pre 2014) karts may loose grip with a softer axle choice (and vis-versa with respect to a hard axle). If you have questions on which axle may be the right choice for your Birel, reach out to us anytime! We are happy to assist.