AiM MyChron Patch Cables

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  • MyChron sensor patch cables by AiM, Kart Smarter.
    • Ideal to utilize with your MyChron 5 or MyChron 4 data logger.
    • Different sensors require slightly different patch cables, to ensure that the sensor matches with the inputs on the MyChron 5. 
  • Each patch cable is designed for a specific application, so consider the options below!
  • Several sensor options available:
    • Water Temperature Sensor Patch Cable: This cable allows for connection of the water temperature sensor to the MyChron 5 logger. The plastic "719" pin connection end has 4 pins (this part connects to the water temp sensor lead), whereas the metallic threaded connection has 3 pins (this part threads into the logger). 
    • "K-Type" TC Patch Cable: This cable allows for extension of existing patch cable lengths. This male-to-female patch cable is utilized when the sensor to logger distance is longer than normal. 
    • MyChron 5 2T TC / TC Patch Cable: This sensor patch cable is meant for the MyChron 5 2T and is a dual thermocouple patch cable. Each of these patch cables connects to multiple thermocouple type sensors such as a Cylinder Head Temperature or Exhaust Gas Temperature probe.