Plastic Anti-Vibration Sleeve (Nerfbar)

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  • Regular price $7.32
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Anti-Vibration Sleeve for go kart side pods. Made of plastic, this vibration sleeve prevents movement of the side pod on your go kart while on the race track.

A humble part, but an important one, your kart's side pod and steel nerf bar needs this!

Typically, these vibration sleeves fit over the front mounting point of a side pod nerf bar on kart chassis. Slip each sleeve over the nerf bar, then twist and push the sleeve onto and over the nerf bar support on the chassis, and voila! Your nerf bar and side pod will vibrate less in the chassis and also be less prone to moving inward or outward.

Note: Each sleeve is sold separately (they formerly came in a kit). Typically, a kart chassis requires (4) of these sleeves, which can get worn or ground down over time.